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deVere Philippines offers an all-inclusive range of financial planning services that is broader than ever, including investment strategies, long-term financial saving schemes, as well as tax-efficient pension plans.

We formulate each financial plan according to our customers’ experience, portfolio and personal aims and goals. You will be assigned a certified, independent financial adviser who will help you through every step of the financial planning process, allowing you to feel completely confident that your financial decisions will generate the best returns for you.

deVere Philippines' broad spectrum of highly regulated, exclusive financial products have been developed through our powerful alliances with some of the largest international investment houses and insurance companies, giving us access to a wide range of exclusive products within the marketplace that are designed to meet your needs.

With several years of experience and dedication to improving and developing our services to best serve the needs of our clients, no advisory company is better poised to help you secure and maintain your financial independence more than deVere Philippines.

Contact us today to set up an appointment with one of our qualified and experienced deVere advisers.